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Penny does... Technogym

Author: Penny Wilby

A few months ago, I set myself a challenge (and I do love a challenge) to run my first half marathon. Thanks to Sue Tetley, who runs positive psychology coaching business, Thrive with Sue, I have signed up for the Hampton Court Half Marathon in February 2017. Never in my life have I ever done anything like this and as someone who is not naturally sporty in nature or temperament, this is a challenge.

Training wise, I’ve been loosely following the marathon organisers training plan, in addition to advice from other longer distance runners, but I felt I needed to up my game and with the help of Peake Fitness, a training plan has been put together, appropriate not just my fitness goals, but suits the type of person I am.

Earlier in December, Peake Fitness’s gym had a £250,000 refurb, upgrading to the latest Technogym equipment and introducing some impressive new machines I was fortunate enough to trial this week.

My PT for the afternoon was the fabulous Ben Norfolk. Before we did anything remotely strenuous, I was given my special wristband and asked to do an online quiz. This determined what sort of exerciser I am… Do I train for sport? Do I exercise for fun or weight loss? The results were pretty spot on and an Aspiration Map was created with a personalised training plan. Through MyWellness account and the MyWellness app on my smartphone, all my exercise will be recorded for me. But what really impressed me, is that I’m able to sync with my other exercise apps, such as Fitbit and MapMy Run. Any additional training I do, will be added to my account, allowing me to keep track of how my plan is working.

So, I had 45 minutes of training, focused around my half marathon training.

Here’s what Ben had in store for me.

Warm up run – good to get those muscles warm

Leg Press – to build up the gluteal muscles

Chest Press – Although it’s strength in my legs I need to able to run the 21km, it’s also important, Ben tells me, to balance fitness in the rest of my body and build up my core muscles. As I write this 2 days later, my arms are still a little stiff – proof of how neglected that part of my body is.

Lat Machine– To build up the muscle groups in my upper back

TRX – Now this was quite a challenge. Apparently created by ex-soldiers, I can only describe it as two straps, nailed to the wall of the gym, that you hang on to. Ben told me to take hold of the straps and do 20 squats. I won’t lie, I thought my legs would give way. They certainly felt wobbly, more so after they were followed by 5 pistol squats (a similar exercise, but using only one leg) It was brutal. But I did it!

SKILLMILL – This is a new machine at Peake Fitness and one you can only use with PT supervision. It may look like a smiley faced running machine, but the SKILLMILL is more challenging. It’s powered by you, rather than the machine. I ran for literally one minute and it felt as if I’d run for 40. In addition to running, you can incorporate different moves, depending on your training regime. It’s perfect for Rugby training for example. I did give a that a go. Unfortunately, there’s no photographic evidence, but take it from me, it’s tough!

My final exercise worked on the it band. Perfect for runners.  I’d mentioned some hip problems (sadly age related) and this exercise helps stretch the muscles from hip to my knee.

The new technology at Peake Fitness has really impressed me. The trouble with so many gyms is that interest is quickly lost. The MyWellness personalised plan, available to all members, creates a training plan, not just perfect for your exercise goals, but something that will keep you motivated based on how you like to exercise. If you’re not already a member of Peake Fitness, get in touch and have a look round and chat the team there. If your 2017 plans include getting fit or maintaining your fitness, do give them a call.

About Penny…

With an ever-growing passion for fitness, Penny is our resident guest blogger. When she’s not juggling her busy lifestyle you’ll find her with her selfie stick!