Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
A perfect playground
Enjoy a quiet retreat in the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
AONB’s are landscapes that offer such outstanding natural beauty and character that it is in the nation’s best interest to safeguard them. The Dedham Vale AONB, made famous by local artists such as John Constable and Thomas Gainsborough, is made up of picturesque villages and rolling countryside.

All About AONBs
- AONB stands for Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- AONBs are precious landscapes whose distinctive character and natural beauty are outstanding. They meet the need for quiet enjoyment of the countryside, as well as having regard for the interests of those who live and work within them.
- Created by the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act of 1949, AONBs represent 18% of the finest countryside England and Wales has to offer.
- There are nearly 40 AONBs in England and Wales and they are designated by virtue of their special qualities such as flora, fauna, historical and cultural associations, as well as their scenic views.